Policies and Procedures.
TIP Teens attend the same Training Academy as adult TIP responders. TIP Teens sign a Volunteer Contract similar to the TIP Volunteer Contract and will be expected to attend monthly continuing education meetings.
Each TIP Teen’s involvement will be contingent on written permission of a parent or a guardian. The parent or guardian must accompany the potential TIP Teen to the Orientation Meeting of the Training Academy. The potential TIP Teen and their parents or guardian will be interviewed by a TIP staff person prior to the teen being accepted into the Training Academy. Each Teen will be assigned to a TIP mentor.
TIP Teens will be paired on the monthly schedule with a TIP adult. When a call comes in, the TIP Teen will respond to the scene and will await the arrival of the TIP adult. TIP Teens will never take a call alone and will never be left alone at a scene.
A TIP Teen may be called as a “backup responder” who is requested by TIP already on scene. The requesting TIP responder will notify on scene emergency personnel that a TIP Teen will be arriving, and the TIP adult will ensure that the TIP Teen is properly greeted and briefed upon arrival.
TIP people will make every effort to provide guidance and protection (if necessary) to the TIP Teen while on scene. Generally, TIP Teens will work closely “side by side” with their adult TIP partners.